As over 65 elections will happen across the world in 2024, this year stands as the biggest election cycle of this century so far.
Internet censorship and surveillance are a threat to the integrity of free and fair elections.
When we started the campaign on November 17, 2021, the Tor network had approximately 1,200 running bridges. The Tor network now has 2470 running bridges, i.e., the number of Tor bridges has almost doubled!
Today the Tor Project is launching the Run a Tor Bridge campaign. Participants are invited to contribute and help censored users by running a Tor bridge. You can find more details below, including our special reward kits for participants. The campaign will run from November 17 to January 7, 2022. Join us and help censored users!
With the deprecation of V2 onion services right around the corner, it is a good time to talk about V3 onion services. This post will discuss the most important privacy improvements provided by V3 onion services as well as their limitations. Aware of those limitations, our research group at the Institute of Network and Security at JKU Linz conducted an experiment that extracts information about how V3 onion services are being used from the Tor network.
Between November 6 and 9, the Tor Project and Localization Lab will host the first edition of Tor Project's localization hackathon, the Tor L10n Hackaton.